Uplift Agile processes with testOps

At nextpertis.Academy we equip your team with all needed technical and soft skills, so your organization can drive a successful digital transformation

TestOps Training: Kmowledge Gap
TestOps Training Program: Planning Deficits
TestOps Training Program: Unplanned Costs
TestOps Training Program
TestOps Training Program: Lack of Resources
TestOps Training Program: Questionable Outcome
TestOps Traiing Program: Bottlenecks

Unlock continuous quality within your organization

The role of TestOps Engineer

The software industry is transforming fast, so is the way companies deliver their products and services to the customers. Proper testing with high velocity gets increasingly important in this process. A tester, who is fluent with automation, navigates naturally in an Agile world and works shoulder by shoulder with development and business, is surely one of the important people in the team.

The role of TestOps Engineer Section image
The role of TestOps Engineer

By switching the focus from test to risk coverage, the TestOps Engineer can give quick feedback to business stakeholders. This accelerates time-to-market and reduces the budget.

The role of TestOps Engineer

Because testing in Agile means to test continuously. Automation on multiple levels and dealing with different technologies are part of testOps tasks.

The role of TestOps Engineer

Building expertise around product behavior and its infrastructure has a direct impact on the overall quality. TestOps Engineer increments this know-how gradually into the project.

The role of TestOps Engineer

Monitoring, business risk, quality gates, CI/CD pipelines, setting up agents, automation executions. No problem! TestOps Engineer interacts with both, technical and business roles and is a valuable asset to every innovative company.

Program Overview

TestOps Engineer Training Program Overview


Module 1

Testing Basics

Introducing main concepts like quality, testing, test case, bug, etc. Go deeper into topics like how QA and testing work.

Kick off preparation for ISTQB Foundation Certificate.

Introducing the concept of business risk.

Module 2

Test Automation with Tosca

In this module we build the basics of test automation with Tosca. Learn different sections and how to work with them.

We cover several certification programs from Tricentis Academy.

Module 3

Development Methodologies. Agile

The module covers software development methodologies:

  • Waterfall
  • V-model
  • Prototyping
  • Agile

Focus is on the Scrum Framework and Agile testing.

Module 4

Test Automation Beyond & Above

Mastering test automation skills with Tosca.

Resolving automation challenges.

This module is focused only on practical exercises.

Module 5

From Requirements to Test Execution

This module is oriented to practice only. We simulate the work in a Sprint, going through the main milestones and what a tester is supposed to do.

Handled as workshops.

Basics of Risk-based testing and how to apply it in Tosca.

Module 6

Introduction of Web Services

Introduction of SOAP and Rest API. How to test and involve web services to improve testing.

The module includes theoretical and practical parts as well as workshops.

Tosca Automation for API.

Module 7


Provide main directions how to interact with different roles within the project.

Prepare different test reports.

Different strategies to communicate issues, blockers and impediments.



Final Exam & Graduation

This module is focused on finishing all topics of the training and external exams.

Support by coach, when needed.

Prepare and successfully pass the final exam. 

Choosing nextpertis.Academy could be your most important professional decision.

Program Options

From Zero to TestOps

Full service including the hiring, training and onboarding of TestOps Engineers to your projects

  • Program duration up to 18 months.
  • No hiring costs.
  • No onboarding costs after finishing the program as training is done on your project.
  • No dependency on staffing budget.

TestOps Flexi

Suitable for organizations with existing teams and ongoing transformations

  • Program duration varies from 3 to 8 months.
  • The training modules can be selected according to the needs of your team(s).
  • Tailored to the working time and policy of your organization.
  • Flexible training budget.


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All the needed skills

At the end of the program, your team will have an excellent understanding of the role and responsibility of a TestOps Engineer and navigating fluently into daily activities.

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100% job-ready

Workshops, time boxed tasks, and small projects develop skills which our trainees can use from the first working day.

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Hands-on training

The theoretical part is always followed by exercises and practical assignments.

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Always a coach by your side

Working in small groups in our programs guarantees a 100% personalized training approach. Our coaches are always there to provide the needed support.

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Cutting-Edge test automation tools

Our training program is based on Tosca Commander, one of the most prominent tools for test automation worldwide.

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Quizzes and self-checks to keep an eye on learning progress

In each module we have included a lot of quizzes and self-tests, so our coaches have an overview on learning progress and decide whether to go ahead or work deeper on a certain topic.

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Deep dive into web services testing

Involving web services in testing processes is one of biggest advantages in the world of testOps. In our program we put the focus on them and how to involve them in continuous testing processes.

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Our Coaches

Your team will be trained by leading industry experts with years of experience in the Insurance, Banking, Retail and Gambling sectors. Learn from the best.

Walter Resch

Walter Resch

Technical Trainer, TestOps Engineer at nextpertis GmbH

 Bogdana Ivanova

Bogdana Ivanova

Agile QA/TestOps Coach at nextpertis GmbH

Are you ready for your testOps journey?